Tinytots Vision Limited

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Rainbow Room - 2-5 years old

The Rainbow room can cater for 40 children aged between 2 and 5 years.  We have recently changed the use of the rooms so if you are new to the setting or a returning parent you will see a new improved space.  A quiet space has been created with a communication friendly space where children are able to go to enjoy stories or just relax after playing in the busier main room.  Access to outdoor play is continuous and we encourage children to experience the different weathers and new play experiences are gained through outdoor play. 


The routine in the Rainbow room, as with the other rooms, is used as a guideline and is flexible at all times dependant on children’s individual needs.  We understand that young children's sleep patterns are individual and therefore the routines are adapted to suit the needs of the children.  Younger children when initially starting in the Rainbow room will have a diary kept to inform you of feeds, sleeps and nappy changes on a daily basis until we have a routine established.  More importantly we will also tell you about your child's day including the activities that they have been doing. 

The nursery day includes a wide range of planned indoor and outdoor activities including opportunities for music and movement, messy and creative play, mark making, small world play and developing our knowledge of the world around us. 

All the activities provided are encouraging the children's important skills that are needed to develop based around the three prime areas:

Communication and language;

Physical development; and

Personal, social and emotional development

Rainbow room activities

The children have free access to the resources within the room and we also plan activities based on observations made on the children's individual interests.  The activities we plan for are varied and incorporate the local environment including trips to the shops, library and local park.  We keep a record of the children's work and of their development including photographs and observations.

 Daily care routine

Snack time

We provide two snacks a day, one in the morning and another in the afternoon.


In general children in the Rainbow room have a sleep after lunch however if they require an earlier sleep then this is accommodated.  Each child is allocated their own sleep mat and bedding which is labelled. All bedding is provided by the nursery. Staff will discuss with parents how long they wish their child to sleep. Continuous activities are available for children who no longer require a sleep after lunch.

Nappy changes and toilet training

Children's nappies are changed in the bathroom on a changing table on a regular basis throughout the day. Each child has their own labelled box to keep their nappy essentials in.  Parents are to supply all nappies and other changing essentials such as nappy cream and baby wipes.  

When you feel your child is ready to begin toilet training we will talk about how you want to do this for example use pull ups or go straight in to knickers or underpants. We have potties and toilets one of which is fitted with a trainer seat with steps.  During the potty training period we do ask parents to provide spare clothes in case there are any accidents.


Nutritious meals are provided throughout the day consisting of breakfast, lunch and a light tea. Drinking water is available in the room for children to access throughout the day.  A sample menu is available

If parents would prefer to bring a packed lunch then this is possible however we do ask for you to ensure that it is a healthy nutritious meal and follow the guidelines provided.  For more information about what should be included in a pack lunch please click here.

Coat Pegs and drawers

Each child has their own coat and bag peg with their name and a picture on it to help them remember which one is theirs.  The children also have a drawer with their name on this is for them to put in any drawings they have done or anything that needs to be sent home.

Staff Ratio
There is at least one member of staff to four children