Tinytots Vision Limited


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Sunshine Room -  3 months - 2 years old

The Sunshine room caters for babies 3 months-2 years.  We welcome everyone and pride ourselves on building excellent relationships with parents/carers and their babies.  There is fun yet stimulating activities on offer throughout the day to ensure each of the babies' individual needs are met.  Our activities range from glittery water play to painting and walks in the local community.  Babies are offered lots of opportunities for holistic play, exploring natural materials and treasure baskets.  All the activities in the baby room are aimed towards their first experiences.

The babies keep to their own routines to ensure they feel happy, secure and settled during their time with us in the nursery. A diary will be kept to inform you of feeds, sleeps and nappy changes on a daily basis. It will also include the activities that your child has enjoyed during the day.

Daily care routine

Babies sleep in cots and toddlers will either be put in cots or use sleep mats in our sleep area as agreed with parents/carers. Children will have sleep mats designated to them and clean sheets are used for each child and stored in each individual child's bag after each sleep.  These are washed frequently to ensure good hygiene.  Children are monitored during sleeptime to ensure they are kept safe.

Nappy changes
The children’s nappies are changed throughout the day according to their individual needs. Nappies are kept in children’s individual labelled boxes in our nappy changing area. If your child is ready to begin potty training before they move to the Rainbow room a potty is available.

Child's items
Each child has their own box with their name on it to help identify there own items from home.

Transition into the Rainbow room
As the children become emotionally and physically ready to move into the older room they begin to visit the Rainbow room.  This is to familiarise them with new staff, children and routines in order to make the transition as smooth as possible for the children and parents.  The child's keyperson will go with them on the visits in order to provide continuity of care to enable the child to settle easier.  

There is one member of staff to every three children.


Parents/Carers are asked to provide formula milk, staff will discuss this on induction to find out your child's particular needs.  Whole milk is provided at snack times and mealtimes unless otherwise requested.